Wednesday, March 14, 2018

About Memory Loss

About Memory Loss
5:49pm: I've just made a couple changes to the Host. I've decided to make the title for Chapter XII Super Suzie. I like having a girl hero. Sort of meant to be an Alice or a Dorothy, I guess. And I've changed the last line of this chapter's fifth verse to In a spot where she'd not see where thought waves ought to go. I couldn't resist. Did SNL steal any of this epic? How about the Simpsons? Great way to make children hate me.

I was recently asked by a physician if I've ever suffered memory loss. This whole Blogger account documents my lost memories from previous years. My memories were tied in with my old music, comedy, and poetry posts, so that reconstructing these old works restored my memories from the time of their birth, 2007 or earlier. Since I am being myself in my writing, I can only repeat myself if I am rebuilding some forgotten work from the past. Each time I choose a line for my poems, it is the very best line I can put together for that spot, which means that I would find it again by elimination if I am forced to rewrite it from scratch. In short, the work repeated, in each instance, to its own peculiar level of perfection.

I would not be a 'hack' for posting all these verses which appeared on television and saying I wrote them if I did not. I would be in prison for fraud and the broadcasters would be coming to visit me in prison every day to make sure everyone knew. But many stars went to prison for stealing my things and they hid it from you so you'd reject me as a liar when I'm telling the truth.

When you must face an evil bloodthirsty enemy like the modern mass media with all their evil technology, chances are you will suffer from bouts of memory loss. Being attacked through the public airwaves can be deeply traumatizing. Obviously, the first time it happened to me, I couldn't cope with the memory for very long.

I think that in 2010, as the Crystalids fraud came to light, the broadcasters decided to let me take the band's place, but it now looks like they wanted me to open for Nickleback or Blue Rodeo, and appear as a musical guest on Saturday Night Live, on a show entirely comprised of my own sketches and poetry. They wanted to take advantage of my memory loss to get me to endorse their fraud with my work. I'm glad I steered clear of them.

Memory loss alters one's opinions and plans, of course. My Chronoblog would let you contrast the earlier, clued out me with the more enlightened me of the present. For instance, if I was ever saying nice things about stars who ripped me off, it was at a time when I couldn't recall their crime. As soon as such a memory came back to me, usually as a result of reconstructing some old work, I publicly disowned the star[s] here.

I disown any star I catch committing fraud with my music. I'm not like the radio, I don't just disown the lesser established ones. So that means I disown the Rolling Stones. I don't want to hear them anymore. I can't trust them anymore. Just a few, mate? How many songs of mine did they steal? How much money did they make? I won't miss them - as long as I don't get them shoved up my ass by someone else's radio, right local rock stations?

And when the radio station wants you to love someone who steals my music, they want you to reject me. I'm so sick of this stupid media and its stupid hate campaign. I'm an innocent crime victim and look how they get to make stars and heroes out of the criminal pricks who assail me. And are they trying to make some kind of cool trend out of filthy crime like music fraud? Disgusting. Why don't they sell piss as perfume while their at it? Now they want to soil all our ears with their fraud celebration. I can't believe they can get so far in such an illegal enterprise. And it must take a lot of amnesia to do so much lawbreaking and then have to make such a show of decency in front of their cameras.

As such, memory loss can also be an asset. That's what ECT's are used for, isn't it? To help the patient recover from a trauma by inducing memory loss? The broadcasters seem to have induced a memory loss on the population over the voluminous fraud I've exposed in this account. What a waste of God knows how many years of tuning in to them. I'm glad I find other things to do.

My own memory loss was, I think, meant to spare me pain and stress. It's regrettable that the pleasant time I had creating my work the first time, which I've been so eager to repeat these last nine years, had to be tied in to such a traumatic episode, or maybe I'd have been able to remember more of my work from that period. It would also have helped if they would have let me keep my disk and cassette and drawing pad where I had most of my work stored. From now on, I hope I can limit my amnesia strictly to the undesirable, such as most of what I've had to live through for the last nine years. This time, however, I'll still have my blogs online to remind me.

The truth about all this fraud may take a long time to become widely accepted. I could have sold out and played along with their fraud, I guess, and I'd be a lot more comfortable right now. But I would have grown to hate myself for supporting such an unholy lie. Now at least I can move forward with the comfort of knowing that I have done all I can to keep the record straight for history. One day in the future, when there is no risk to saying that such big stars as Jay Leno and the Rolling Stones were frauds, my accurate account of such things will still be here for the world to read.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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